Presented by: Marisa Morgan

Plank Leg Lifts

Plank alone is an excellent stabilization exercise that involves almost every muscle in the body with a focus, of course, on the core.  It helps to help build upper body strength too.  Adding a leg lift to this posture will add an extra benefit of placing additional stress on the arm bones as well as toning the glutes!

So let’s do it!  Get into a pushup position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from your neck to your ankles. From that position, brace your core and lift one foot off the floor. You can hold that position for the entire set—60 to 90 seconds—and then do the second set with the other leg raised, or switch legs halfway through each set.

*Trainer Tips- If your wrists are sensitive, lower down onto your forearms.  I can’t stress this enough, maintain proper form. There is a tendency to let the hips lift up or let the stomach drop and the low back arch. Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your heels, and keep the abdominal and gluteal muscles contracted.